Organic Avocado Bacon

Organic Avocado Bacon

Prezzo: €0.00

Avocado is now considered one of the tastiest and healthiest fruits, thanks to its nutritional properties and high content of “good” oil (monounsaturated fats) that help fight cholesterol and other cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it is a valuable source of proteins and potassium (absolutely among the fruits with the highest concentration).
The Bacon avocado is the variety of avocado that ripens before the others (starting in October) and is considered one of the most valuable.

Our Organic Avocado Bacon

Our avocados come from Calabria and are produced organically in respect of the environment and the biodiversity of the territory. Thanks to the particular microclimate of the area in which they grow, along the Ionian coast in the province of Reggio Calabria, our avocados have excellent organoleptic qualities.


To speed up the ripening of avocados, we recommend storing them in a warm environment (e.g. your home kitchen), vice versa to slow down the ripening it is advisable to keep them in a cool and dry place (e.g. the fridge). For more information on this, we also invite you to read our guide on how to ripen an avocado .

Caliber : Mixed (Medium-small)

Shipping : Free in Italy, with delivery in 48 hours.

Quantity : loose avocados (to add 2 or more avocados you can change the quantity directly in the cart).

Avocado Bacon: Characteristics

The Bacon avocado, a variety obtained in California in 1928, is a hybrid between the Mexican breed (predominant) and the Guatemalan one. It is a medium-large sized fruit (often larger than the Hass avocado), with an oval shape and a weight between 150 and 500 grams. The skin is green and maintains this color even when ripe, while the pulp takes on a softer consistency. It is one of the most widespread varieties thanks to its precocity, in fact it is harvested a couple of months before the Hass avocado variety.

Starting in December, you can also find our organic Hass Avocados for sale on this site.

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