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Organic Tarocco Oranges

Organic Tarocco Oranges

Prezzo: €23.00

Tarocco Oranges are a variety characterized by a sweet and sour flavor. They are also excellent to eat in segments.

How we make them

Our organic Tarocco Oranges are grown in open fields following the organic production method on uncontaminated soil that has never known the use of chemical fertilizers. They are not treated even after harvesting, so it is possible to use the peel in the kitchen. Precisely because of their genuineness, given the absence of treatments, they may present defects on the peel that do not compromise the organoleptic and nutritional qualities.


Thanks to their freshness, our citrus fruits last up to a month after harvesting if stored in a dry and cool environment (veranda, balcony, etc.).

Type: Common and Nucellar Tarot

Caliber : Medium or small


1) 9 kg
2) 16 kg

Shipping : Free in Italy, with delivery in 48/72 hours.

Table oranges or juice oranges?

The only difference is in the caliber, smaller for the oranges for juicing . The organoleptic characteristics are identical.


Tarocco oranges for juicing: small
Tarocco table oranges: 

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