Lemon essential oil: properties and uses
Lemon Essential Oil: Everything You Need to Know
Essential oils, as we know, have countless properties and can be used in a thousand ways. Among these, lemon essential oil plays an important role in some circumstances, such as the presence of cellulite, acne or anxiety disorders. The precious essence is obtained from the lemon plant, an evergreen tree that can reach about 5 meters in height. The leaves of this plant are shiny and oval in shape, while the flowers are small and white. As for the fruit, it is a citrus fruit with yellow peel and very rich in juice. The essential oil is obtained from the peel of the fruit through cold pressing: let's find out more and try to give a complete picture of the uses of lemon essential oil and its properties.
Lemon essential oil: properties
As we have already anticipated, lemon essential oil has countless properties, therefore it can be used for the most varied cases. Here in detail:
• Purifying properties: it is excellent in case of high blood pressure or liver and pancreas problems and aids digestion.
• Antibiotic properties: it is an excellent disinfectant and haemostatic, so it helps heal wounds, herpes, canker sores and can be used in case of flu symptoms.
• Tranquilizing properties: Lemon essential oil acts directly on the nervous system, relaxing in cases of anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. It also improves memory and helps to instill determination and confidence.
• Stimulates circulation: the positive effects concern both blood and lymphatic circulation, therefore it helps to improve poor circulation, cellulite, capillary fragility and varicose veins.
• Purifying properties: improves the skin in case of acne or oily skin. In addition, it fights cellular aging, has lightening properties and promotes healing. It is also used against wrinkles, stretch marks and weak nails.
• Anti-inflammatory properties: specifically, these are anti-inflammatory properties, useful in cases of arthritis and rheumatism.
How to use lemon essential oil
The properties of this essential oil are countless, so it is necessary to use it in different ways based on the problem you want to solve. Here are some examples:
• To aid digestion and help the liver and pancreas: prepare a ginger herbal tea and add a drop of pure and organic lemon essential oil. You can also dilute the drop in salads, on a slice of meat or fish.
• To improve states of anxiety, nervousness, memory and insomnia: in this case it is necessary to vaporize it in the environment with an essential oil diffuser.
• In case of herpes, mouth ulcers, wounds: dab the affected area with two drops pure or combined with two drops of tea tree oil on a cotton swab.
• To aid circulation and tone: dilute a few drops in sweet almond oil and massage to obtain a draining and anti-cellulite effect.
• To combat gingivitis and bad breath: you can add a drop to the toothbrush before applying toothpaste or dilute in water and gargle.
• For greasy hair: dilute 4 or 5 drops in the shampoo, massage the hair well and rinse.
• To strengthen nails: dilute 2 drops of essential oil in half a teaspoon of argan oil. Massage the oil into the nails every day.
• For acne and oily skin: just combine 5 drops of essential oil with a spoonful of Greek yogurt. Apply to face and wait about 20 minutes. Rinse and apply moisturizer.
On this site you can buy untreated organic lemons with home delivery throughout Italy.